10/25/19 Steadfast Love

READING:  Isaiah 63-66, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12

The Lord has been incredibly good to us. I remember when I was first amazed at God’s grace, and I think today about how faithful God has been to us through the years. I may not have always understood His ways, but I’ve never doubted His love. He has loved me in good times, bad times, rebellious times, and celebratory times; in fact, He has been faithful to me even when I was not faithful to Him.

Isaiah made  that same kind of observation when he led the people to focus on God’s past-tense provision and His future-tense promises: “I will make known the Lord’s faithful love and the Lord’s praiseworthy acts, because of all the Lord has done for us—even the many good things He has done for the house of Israel and has done for them based on His compassion and the abundance of His faithful love” (Isa 63:7). The message begins with God’s “faithful love” and then ends with the same, indicating that His love has no end. That love is gracious, loyal, ongoing, faithful, praiseworthy, and abundant. It’s marked by His willingness to restore a people who had rebelled against Him. Indeed, the day would come when “the sound of weeping and crying will no longer be heard in her [Jerusalem]” (Isa 65:19).

God’s steadfast, compassionate, faithful love—that’s a theme worth singing about and proclaiming today.

PRAYER: “God, I praise You for Your faithful love.”     

TOMORROW’S READING:  Jeremiah 1-3, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:18













































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