Saturday Suggestions/Week in Review

Check out these important posts from others:

3 Principles to Practice Sabbath Rest by Justin Burkholder
Setting aside a weekly day of rest allows us to refocus our priorities. Justin Burkholder shares how to rest in a meaningful, God-honoring way.

3 Ways to Endure in Church Planting by Send Network
Church planting is costly. This article reminds church planters of their calling when they are faced with discouragement.

Your Phone is Teaching You How to Pray by Lauren Weir
Having technology always at hand impacts how we commune with the Lord. Lauren Weir points to the importance of acknowledging our need for God.

Leading on the Emotional Plateau by Sam Rainer
Sooner or later, your church will likely hit a plateau. Sam Rainer offers advice for how to persevere and acknowledge how God is still at work, even in seemingly mundane seasons.

In case you missed this week’s posts at, here’s the week in review:

  1. 6 Posts Dealing with Church and Ministry Pain
  2. 14 Reasons Church Conflicts Just Keep Elevating
  3. 8 Reasons Churches Allow Immature Believers to Serve in Leadership
  4. 12 Marks of a Spiritually Mature Believer
  5. 9 Ways to Teach Theology in the Local Church

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