02/26/21 Wind, Waves, and Jesus

READING: Numbers 1-2, Mark 4:30-5:20

“Silence! Be still!” Jesus said to the wind and the waves in Mark 4:39. And, the next part of the verse tells us exactly what happened: “the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” The Son spoke, and nature moved. 

That response of nature shouldn’t surprise us, as it was the Son of God who spoke the command. The wind and the waves obeyed Him. Demons obeyed Him. Sickness obeyed Him. Death obeyed Him. We, too, must obey Him. 

What I find even more interesting is the fact that Jesus was sleeping through a storm so strong His disciples were clearly frightened – so much so that they thought they were perishing. They apparently should have known better, for Jesus rebuked them for their fear and their unbelief. His sleeping while waves were breaking over the boat should not have alarmed them, but even the strongest believers might have been challenged by the circumstance. It’s one thing to tell others to trust Jesus in the storm; it’s another thing to trust Him when it’s your storm. 

Why, though, was Jesus sleeping? Obviously, He was tired. In His humanity, He was weary. At the same time, though, His sleeping is an indication He was not concerned about the storm. He was not worried, even though His followers were. And, why should He be worried? After all, “all things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created” (John 1:3). 

See, you don’t worry about the waves when you created them. The wind doesn’t bother you when it moves at your command. We can trust and obey Him even when it seems He’s not listening. 

PRAYER: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your power. Help me to trust You at all times.”

DAILY ACTION STEP:  If it feels to you today like Jesus is sleeping rather than responding to your cries, trust Him anyway.                

TOMORROW’S READING:  Weekend is for catch-up and review 

MONDAY’S READING: Numbers 3-4, Mark 5:21-43

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