08/03/21 A Clear Conscience

READING: Job 29-31, Acts 23:23-24:27

It is one thing to say you believe in resurrection and divine judgment, but another thing to actually live it out. I’ve seen too many people—including me in my young Christian walk, I’m afraid—speak of their belief in these realities while living like they would never have to stand before God. Their choices, in fact, make one wonder whether they truly believed in the first place. 

Not so for the apostle Paul. He was convinced of a coming resurrection for all, a reminder that all would stand before God and face judgment. He knew not when that time would come for him, so he always strived “to have a clear conscience toward God and men” (Acts 24:16). Recognizing that all would stand before Christ, Paul continually lived for Christ after his dramatic Christian conversion. 

I believe in resurrection and eternal judgment, but I’m reminded today the best preparation for these events is to maintain a godly conscience in my life. Today’s clear conscience brings the hope of victory tomorrow.  

PRAYER: “God, empower me to strive in whatever direction You lead.”   

DAILY ACTION STEP:  Work today to clear your conscience.    

TOMORROW’S READING:  Job 32-34, Acts 25

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