READING: Exodus 25-27, Matthew 22:23-46
In the midst of the Old Testament reading for today are some phrases that really matter. The chapter sounds like just a bunch of building details, but it’s so much more than that. Here, we learn about the God of the Hebrews who is alive, personal, and relational. He chooses to make Himself known to His people; in fact, He meets them. He does so according to His plans, but He nevertheless takes the initiative to engage them. He’s hardly the gods of the Egyptians who cannot see, cannot hear, cannot relate, and cannot save. Note the phrases I’ve italicized in the verses below:
- “Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.” (Exo 25:9)
- “Then put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law, which I will give you.” (Exo 25:16)
- “I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.” (Exo 25:22)
This God, then, is the Creator God, the ruler of eternity, who calls out His people and chooses to be their God. I will say it again: He meets with them. These truths ought to amaze us, but they also ought to do more than that: they ought to make us want to obey Him without exception. He demands such obedience, in fact. Even when He called the Hebrews to construct the various things noted in today’s chapters, He was clear about their responsibility to do just what He said:
- “See that you make them [lampstand and lamps] according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” (Exo 25:40)
- “Set up the tabernacle according to the plan shown you on the mountain.” (Exo 26:30)
- “It [the altar of burnt offering] is to be made just as you were shown on the mountain.” (Exo 27:8)
These words remind us again today that full obedience must characterize our lives. Our God is worthy of nothing less.
PRAYER: “Lord, again today I want to obey You fully.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Throughout the day, meditate on these words from God: “I will meet with you.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Weekend is for catch-up and review
MONDAY’S READING: Exodus 28-29, Matthew 23