01/28/22 Now Filled with Light

READING: Job 32:1-34:37

I find it hard to put into words what happens within us when God forgives us. I do remember having a sense of peace when I first became a believer – a peace that my sin had been erased and that death was no longer something to fear. I did not fully understand what had happened to me, but I knew something was different. I knew I had a new relationship with God. I had repented of my sin (though I didn’t understand the term yet), but I also soon learned that every day I would need to turn from my sin and follow God. 

In the midst of his words to Job, Elihu spoke briefly about a proper response when God is judging or teaching someone through suffering—when God is disciplining someone. Commentators debate the role of Elihu and his advice to Job, but his picture of a returning believer is a helpful one: “When he prays to God, he will be accepted. And God will receive him with joy and restore him to good standing. He will declare to his friends, ‘I sinned and twisted the truth, but it was not worth it. God rescued me from the grave, and now my life is filled with light’” (Job 33:26-28). The picture includes recognizing the foolishness of sin, confessing it, and turning to God in prayer. As a result, God hears, accepts us, receives us with joy, and restores us.

The overwhelming joy of that gracious experience ought to give us great pause anytime temptation comes after that point. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you need to turn from your sin and trust God?             

TODAY’S PRAYER: “Lord, I thank You for Your willingness to restore repentant people.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: Job 35:1-37:24

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