Recommended (and Sometimes Free) Stuff for Church Leaders

When I started this website more than ten years ago, I made a commitment that this site would be only encouraging for pastors and church leaders. We all face enough opposition and discouragement that I don’t want to add to that load. So, I’m writing today to tell you about some resources I hope will be helpful to you:

  1. The Southeastern Seminary Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership which I am privileged to lead, exists to support pastors. I encourage you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter that includes a devotion, recommended resources, and a “consultant’s corner” to help leaders. In addition, I’m really excited to recommend our weekly podcast, “Pastor Matters,” which we’ve designed to provide practical help for pastors. 
  2. E-books available at the Church Answers with Thom Rainer site, including Anatomy of a Revived Pastor (Rainer) and Lord, Teach Us Pastors to Pray (Lawless) are, I trust, good, practical, inexpensive resources for pastors. The corresponding book to my Pray book, Lord, I’m Caught in the Bubble, is actually a free resource.  
  3. Southeastern Seminary offers free online courses taught by our faculty, including “Interpreting and Teaching the Bible,” “An Overview of the New Testament,” “Christian Theology,” and “Evangelism in the Early Church.” 
  4. Southeastern Seminary and our president, Danny Akin, offer a free resource, Building a Theological Library–a list of over 1000 resources Dr. Akin recommends.
  5. The International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention offers a number of free training resources for churches, including courses on leading short-term mission trips and understanding world religions.  
  6. The North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention also offers free resources on world religions and apologetics. 

Fellow pastors, I and my team are grateful for you and your faithful service. Feel free to reach out to me via this website if you have any prayer concerns. Blessings! 

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