02/02/24 Following the Crowd

READING: One-year plan: Exodus 22-24, Matthew 21:22:1-22 Two-year plan: Genesis 36:20-37:11, Matthew 12:22-37 ———- It’s amazing to me how easy it is to fall into the…

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4 Posts about Holiness

As I’ve reviewed my own writings about holiness, I confess I’m continually challenged to strive to be more Christlike. Perhaps one of these posts…

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02/01/24 Awe

READING: One-year plan: Exodus 19-21, Matthew 21:12-46 Two-year plan: Genesis 35:1-36:19, Matthew 12:9-21 ———- It surely was amazing. Thunder and lightning. A thick cloud. A loud…

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01/31/24 Just as Jesus Directed

READING: One-year plan: Exodus 16-18, Matthew 20:17-21:11 Two-year plan: Genesis 31:33-34, Matthew 11:25-12:8 ———- Jesus told His disciples exactly what they were to do, including where…

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01/30/24 Eternal Life?

READING: One-year plan: Exodus 12:43-15:27, Matthew 19:13-20:16 Two-year plan: Genesis 31:36-32:32, Matthew 11:1-24 ———- “He went away grieving, because he had many possessions” (Matt 19:22). The…

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01/29/24 Powerless Gods

READING: One-year plan: Exodus 10:1-12:42, Matthew 18:21-19:12 Two-year plan: Genesis 31:1-35, Matthew 10:32-42 ———- The plagues were numerous, and they were severe. Again and again, God…

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