07/23/16 Two Better Than One

READING: Ecclesiastes 1-4 By nature, I’m a loner. I started working a simple job when I was still in elementary school (doing chores in a “pony keg,” a type…

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07/22/16 His Flawless Word

READING: Proverbs 30-31 The Word of God really is amazing.  How I wish I had figured out that truth so many years ago as a…

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8 Things My Workaholism Is Costing Me

I admit it: this blog post is both a confession and request for prayer. I’m a workaholic, and I know it. I’m prayerfully seeking the Lord’s help to learn how to rest and play – and give myself permission to enjoy it.

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07/21/16 Sharpening One Another

READING: Proverbs 27-29 Yesterday’s devotion dealt with the importance of God’s giving us “advisors” to help us fight the spiritual battles we face. When we fight alongside…

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07/20/16 Advisors in the Fight

READING: Proverbs 24-26 God gives us relationships for many reasons. Via marriage, He grants us opportunity to show His love to the world as we husbands…

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