10/17/15 Is Jesus Amazed at Me?

READING: Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9:1-17 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Yesterday, I wrote about being amazed at Jesus. Today, I write about His being amazed at us….

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10/16/15 I Stand Amazed

READING: Matthew 9-10 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  A few years ago, I wrote a book entitled, Nobodies for Jesus. The thesis is that if we are amazed by Jesus…

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10/15/15 Lord over Our Chaos

READING: Matthew 8:14-34, Mark 4-5 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Is your life chaotic today? Chapters 4 and 5 of Mark portray Jesus as the master over nature…

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Why Pastors Have Few Deep Friendships

I’ve heard it so many times that I almost expect it: pastors are lonely. They often minister among people they say they love, but don’t know well. They have few deep friendships.

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10/13/15 Watch Your Mouth!

READING: Matthew 12:22-50, Luke 11 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I have two heroes of the faith, one who is now with the Lord and the other who…

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10/12/15 Take My Yoke upon You

READING: Matthew 11 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I am thinking today about how many people around the world are trying to “work their way” to God. Some are…

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