11/07/23 Wait

READING: Luke 24, John 1-3 “You will be my witnesses,” Jesus said to His disciples. But, He also told them to wait for their…

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11/04/23 Saturday Prayer Challenge

Writing to address Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:37-38 — “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray…

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11/03/23 By Our Prayers

READING: Luke 18-21 Jesus spoke this parable to confront those who viewed themselves as righteous—that is, the self-righteous who not only thought they were…

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The Importance of the Pastor in the Pulpit

Though I don’t believe a plurality of leaders is the only New Testament model of church, I do think there’s great wisdom in the accountability and shared leadership that come with a plurality. At the same time, though, the significance of the person who preaches most Sundays cannot be overstated.

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